Sometimes periods arrive at unexpected times which makes us uncomfortable and generates cramps, moodiness, depression. 
 Its fact that menstruation is an essential part of being a woman, however sometimes it can be frustrating to feel like such a big part of our bodies and our lives is totally out of our control. So, I’m sure you’ve wished you knew how to make your period come faster to stay out of these unexpected problems.
So what if I tell you there are actually some proven ways to have greater control over when your period comes, even if you’re not on hormonal birth control. Although period cycles are unique to our bodies, they also respond to exterior factors from some of which can affect your period to come early.

Note: These ways are not completely guaranteed as the effectiveness varies from person to person. So if these ways don’t work then don’t push too hard on you.

Effective Tips To Make Your Period Come Faster

1. Consume Parsley Tea

Here is a health fact for you, emmenagogues are a family of herbs that stimulate blood flow in the pelvis and uterus. Some studies even proved that it stimulates menstruation. In order to safely produce your period, you can try some mild emmenagogues like parsley, ginger, rosemary. Remember, the advised dosage for these herbs is two to four cups a day(in tea form).

2. Reduce Stress

Certain research suggests that massive stress can make your period delay by days or even months. In fact, studies even proved that managing your stress could make your period come faster than your usual time. So try to reduce your workload especially during night time and do meditation for stress relief. Even taking hot baths or applying hot compresses to your abdomen can help period come faster.

3. Tropical Fruits Juices

Most home remedy advocates suggest tropical fruits to stimulate menstruation. Here is a fact for you – these tropical fruits are known as heat inducing and can raise body temperature upon consumption.
Because of a rise in body temperature, it helps in menstruation. Among these tropical fruits, papaya and orange are most effective as well as nutritious. Orange contains vitamin C which also helps in the period to come faster.

4. Exercise

High-intensity workout helps in releasing endorphins which interact with the receptors in your brain that reduce your perception of pain. Endorphins also trigger a positive feeling in the body, similar to that of morphine which helps in stress relieve and controls estrogen levels.
These feelings are excellent when you want your period to come faster. Apart from that workout also helps in improving body metabolism which in result helps your body work properly and helps in stimulate menstruation.

5. Sexual Intercourse

Sexual intercourse is one of the easy and fun ways to make your period come faster. This stimulates pelvic blood flow to the head and after successful intercourse body triggers the shedding of the uterine lining which helps in the period to come fast.
Some other facts also indicate that the intercourse softens the cervix and helps in early menstruation.