Pregnancy signs and symptoms varies per person. Some women can start experiencing signs as early as 6 days from the day they last had sex and took in, for some it shows even after a missed period. 

Pregnancy signs and symptoms

Pregnancy Signs comes in different paces and intensity, no two persons are likely to feel the same signs in same order. So if you want to tell if you might be pregnant, this post will be a good guide.

Also note that a handful of pregnancy symptoms can be similar to signs you feel when your period is about to start.

How To Tell If You Might Be Pregnant Even Before Your Period

1. Heavy or sore breasts: Your breasts might feel heavy because it's swollen and painful to touch. This is due to your body preparing itself for milk production. 

It is not uncommon to see viens or even see a odorless milky discharge. It is usually advised at this stage to wear breathable wire-free bras for more comfort. 

2. Spotting or light period: This can be an early sign of pregnancy. This is also called implantation bleeding; when the sperm attaches itself to the egg, it usually occurs about 6-8 days after you take in and it lasts for about 2-3 days with a light period that is not enough to use a tampon. 

3. Fatigue: Fatigue and sleepiness, usual over sleeping and a surprising tiredness. While it can be due to some medications that contains: cyproheptadine hydrochloride and some active compositions in some cough syrups. 

It can also be a sign of pregnancy. This occurs due to blood production in preparation for the foetus.

4. Nausea even without throwing up: This is what our mothers refer to morning sickness. While this can as a result of drinking water immediately after eating sugary foods, it can also be a way to tell if you are Pregnant.

 This can amplify due to certain odours and smells (even your favourite perfume). It begins as early as 2 weeks after you took in. Experts advice to make sure you are never hungry during this stage.

5. Cluster headaches: It is not uncommon to experience mild cluster headaches due to hormonal changes in your body. 

6. Mood swings: This is not really an accurate sign of pregnancy but it is not uncommon. Most women have been know to experience from extreme to mild moods changes. Which of course can just be a pre-menstruation symptom.

What If You Are Not Sure That You Are Pregnant ?

As far as the above list goes. You can't really be sure without going to the doctor or using a home pregnancy test kit, I strongly recommend ClearBlue Digital Pregnancy Test, it has over 99% accuracy at detecting pregnancy from the day of your are supposed to have your period. 

And remember it is very possible not to experience some or all of these symptoms and still be pregnant. Most of these symptoms also can be masked signs that your period is about to start.